Mark Machina’s Reprint Information

“Decision Making in the Presence of Risk”

“Choice under Uncertainty: Problems Solved and Unsolved”

“Information and Decision Making”

“Expected Utility Hypothesis” (New Palgrave Encyclopedia)

“Risk” (New Palgrave Encyclopedia)

“‘Expected Utility’ Analysis without the Independence Axiom”

“Non-Expected Utility and the Robustness of the Classical Insurance Paradigm”

“A More Robust Definition of Subjective Probability”

“Bayes without Bernoulli: Simple Conditions for Probabilistically Sophisticated Choice”

“Dynamic Consistency and Non-Expected Utility Models of Choice under Uncertainty”

“Generalized Expected Utility Analysis and the Nature of Observed Violations of the Independence Axiom”

“Stochastic Choice Functions Generated from Deterministic Preferences over Lotteries”

“Rational Decision Making vs. Rational Decision Modeling?”

“On the Profitability of Russian Serfdom”



































“Decision Making in the Presence of Risk” has been reprinted in:

 The Economics of Missing Markets, Information, and Games, edited by Frank Hahn, Oxford University Press, 1989



“Choice under Uncertainty: Problems Solved and Unsolved” has been reprinted in:

 Current Issues in Microeconomics, edited by John Hey, Macmillan, 1989

 Valuing Health Risks for Environmental Decision Making, ed. by P.B. Hammond and R. Coppock, National Academy Press, 1990

 The Limits of Rationality, edited by Karen S. Cook and Margaret Levi, University of Chicago Press, 1990

 Foundations of Insurance Economics, edited by Georges Dionne and Scott Harrington, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992

 The Economics of Uncertainty, Vol. I: Risk, edited by John Hey, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997

 Readings in Microeconomic Theory, edited by Manfredi La Manna, Dryden Press, 1997

 Paradoxes, Ambiguity and Rationality, edited by O. Hamouda and J. Rowley, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997

 The Environment, Development and Economic Analysis, Vol.1, ed. by Partha Dasgupta & Karl-Göran Mäler, Clarendon, 1997

 Readings in Applied Microeconomic Theory: Market Forces and Solutions, edited by Robert Kuenne, Blackwell Publishers, 2000

 Rational Choice Theory: Critical Concepts in The Social Sciences, Vol. 2, edited by Michael Allingham, Routledge, 2006

 The Economics of Risk and Uncertainty (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics), edited by Christian Gollier, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.



“Information and Decision Making” (with Robin Hogarth, Kenneth MacCrimmon, John Roberts, Alvin Roth, Paul Slovic & Richard Thaler) has been reprinted in:

 Leading Edges in Social and Behavioral Science, ed. by R. D. Luce, N. Smelser and D. Gerstein, Russell Sage Foundation Press, 1989



“Expected Utility Hypothesis” has been reprinted in:

 The New Palgrave: Utility and Probability, edited by John Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Newman, Macmillan, 1990

 The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, edited by Peter Newman, Murray Milgate and John Eatwell, Macmillan, 1992



“Risk” (with Michael Rothschild) has been reprinted in:

 The New Palgrave: Utility and Probability, edited by John Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Newman, Macmillan, 1990

 The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, edited by Peter Newman, Murray Milgate and John Eatwell, Macmillan, 1992



“‘Expected Utility’ Analysis without the Independence Axiom” has been reprinted in:

 The Economics of Uncertainty, Vol. I: Risk, edited by John Hey, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997

 Expected Utility, Fair Gambles and Rational Choice, edited by O. Hamouda and J. Rowley, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997

 Mathematical Economics, edited by Graciela Chilchilinsky, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1998

 Consumer Theory, edited by Kelvin Lancaster, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1999



“Non-Expected Utility and the Robustness of the Classical Insurance Paradigm” has been reprinted in:

 Non-Expected Utility and Risk Management, edited by Christian Gollier and Mark Machina, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995

 Handbook of Insurance, edited by Georges Dionne, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000



“A More Robust Definition of Subjective Probability” (with David Schmeidler) has been reprinted in:

 The Economics of Uncertainty, Vol. II: Uncertainty and Dynamics, edited by John Hey, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997



“Bayes without Bernoulli: Simple Conditions for Probabilistically Sophisticated Choice” (with David Schmeidler) has been reprinted in:

 Evolution and Progress in Democracies: Towards New Foundations of a Knowledge Society, ed. by Johann Götschl, Kluwer, 2001



“Dynamic Consistency and Non-Expected Utility Models of Choice under Uncertainty” has been reprinted in:

 Foundations of Decision Theory: Issues and Advances, edited by Michael Bacharach and Susan Hurley, Basil Blackwell, 1991

 The Economics of Uncertainty, Vol. II: Uncertainty and Dynamics, edited by John Hey, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997

 Paradoxes, Ambiguity and Rationality, edited by O. Hamouda and J. Rowley, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997

 Rational Choice Theory: Critical Concepts in The Social Sciences, Vol. 2., edited by Michael Allingham, Routledge, 2006



“Generalized Expected Utility Analysis and the Nature of Observed Violations of the Independence Axiom” has been reprinted in:

 Decision, Probability, and Utility: Selected Readings, edited by Peter Gärdenfors and Nils-Eric Sahlin, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988



“Stochastic Choice Functions Generated from Deterministic Preferences over Lotteries” has been reprinted in:

 The Economics of Uncertainty, edited by John Hey, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997



“Rational Decision Making vs. Rational Decision Modeling?” has been reprinted in:

 Markets, Risk and Money: Essays in Honor of Maurice Allais, edited by Bertrand Munier, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995



“On the Profitability of Russian Serfdom” (with Evsey Domar) has been reprinted in:

 Capitalism, Socialism, and Serfdom: Essays by Evsey D. Domar, Cambridge University Press, 1989














































